Glory Device Damage =================== When a ship carries supplies when it's hit by a shockwave of a Glory Device, it will be almost instantly repaired. (This is in contradiction with the mission ordering as found in the docs.) The supplies the ship is carrying will repair the ship before combat - when you've got enough supplies to get the ship repaired (with zero damage) you'll even get your laserbanks filled for 100%! However it is not wise to carry large quantities of supplies around in your large battleships just to protect them from being wiped away by a few Glory Devices... (A Virgo will take 16 % damage from 1 Glory Device explosion and you'll need 80 supplies to repair that damage. Your opponent won't use a single Glory Device operation on it's own, so you really want to carry around 3 x 80 = 240 supplies? Your Virgo can take only 290 cargo, leaves room for 50 fighters.....) But when you're the owner of the Glory Devices......that's completely different! A Victorious will take 2 % damage from a Saber explosion - you only need 10 supplies to repair this. Just carry 30 or 40 supplies with your Victorious' in case you want to use your detonating Glory Devices in combination with a heavy attack of your Victorious Class Battleships. Got the idea?