Planets Analysis of Combat Tactics

PACT is not yet available. PACT will be FreeWare. When it is released, you can find it right here!


PACT is a Windows based combat simulator for VGA-Planets games hosted by Tim Wisseman's Host.exe. Unlike any other existing battle simulator, PACT only shows the outcome of the battle. And it doesn't stop there: PACT can show you the outcomes of _ALL_ possible battles. And it will do it within a couple of seconds!

No more tedious waiting till the simulation is over. One click on a button will give you all information you want immediately.

And, what's maybe more important: PACT includes all known and unknown features of battles in VGA-Planets. And that will probably be more than you know of....


  • works under Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95 and NT.
  • fast!
  • easy to use
  • shows worst and best outcome of all possible combats
  • includes all known and unknown features like Fed crew bonus, 360 kT mass chance bonus etc.
  • fast!
  • compatible to alternative shiplists
  • not Phost compatible
  • completely free

    In short: PACT has everything you've ever dreamed of a combat simulator.

    This new battle simulator evolves from a pact between the three of the most famous and honourable cheaters in the entire history of VGA-Planets.
    The theoretical brain behind PACT is Dr Jan Klingele aka Sirius, a mad doctor from Germany. Known for his thoroughness in exterminating his opponents and his usage of the most extreme but effective self-invented strategies like Reverse Alchemy, he stands for most of the unknown features VGAP combat implemented in PACT.
    And there is Chris Holz, an Australian-on-the-loose who did the actual coding of PACT. Driven by his own dark forces, he persuaded Winplan to cloak all his non-cloaking ships. He's still playing games though - there are many newbie hosts that haven't heard of Chris' Cloaking Cubes.....
    And last but not least there is Timo Kreike aka MacBird, an 100% Dutch fellow, described by Tim Wisseman as "the technical expert, when it comes to the tinyest of details in VGA Planets".
